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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1446
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2023 .16 .6796
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16،
number In Volume 2،
issue Number 84
Reflection of superstition and its components in the poetry of Safavid poets
Mohsen Rostami , Hadi Bayati (Author in Charge), Mohammad Hassan Razanahan
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The works of Safavid era poets are a full-view mirror of the social situation of this era due to their connection with the mass of people. With the separation of the poets from the court during the Safavid era and their joining other citizens, the subject of these poets" poetry also changed, and after that their poetic talent was used to express the customs and social beliefs of ordinary citizens of Iran. This essay aims to answer the question by examining the poems of the poets of this era, which superstitious beliefs, opinions and social customs have occupied the minds of the citizens of this time and to what extent have these things been reflected in the eyes of the poets?
METHODOLOGY: The method of the present research is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting information is documentary (library).
FINDINGS: The findings of the research indicate that superstitious beliefs and opinions such as believing in eye sores and the influence of stars and planets on the condition and fate of people and turning to different ways to get rid of eye sores, as well as all kinds of magic and witchcraft and seeking refuge in soothsayers and soothsayers for Avoiding the damage of the evil eye and getting rid of the bad horoscope has not only affected people"s lives, but also captured the hearts and souls of the kings of this country, and the abundance of these themes in the poems of the poets of this era is a clear proof of this claim.
CONCLUSION: The reference of these poets to superstitious and popular beliefs in this period indicates that these beliefs have spread in all religious, political and social affairs of this era. In this regard, the role of Safavid kings and rulers should not be ignored in this reality; Because their belief in these things had caused them to be involved with these superstitions to some extent; To the extent that each of them had a special astrologer with them to tell them the joys and sorrows of doing political and social affairs.
, Safavid
, poets
, social situation.
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